Ok so running late with this one and I have another 2 prompts to catch up with but I think sometimes it's best to do things when you feel like it rather than feeling you have to.
So today I managed to clear a small space on the craft desk in order to spread out my pencils and create..or in this case copy ;)
For beetle I was thinking ladybug or scarab beetle maybe...something that would not creep me out to draw. But whilst looking into some Dürer prints I stumbled across this inspiration:
Albrecht Dürer
So not as good of course but here is my version :)
This was the drawing with water colour pencils,
which I was going to leave alone as I was scared
which I was going to leave alone as I was scared
of ruining it with the paint.

However I decided to go for it after all and I am
happy with the outcome. Never used the black before
and the colour was so intense but just right for
this stag beetle.
Onto the next prompt :)
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